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Real Estate News

Canada Is In Recession & “Overvalued” Real Estate Will Be Hard Hits: Oxford Econ

Canada’s overstimulated economy is experiencing withdrawal from the end of low rates. Oxford Economics’ warned investors the country is already in recession. It’s expected to spend most of 2023 in recession, and will be a hit harder than its G7

Real Estate News

They purchased homes right before the real estate downturn. Now, they’re struggling to close

A group of Ontario residents who purchased pre-construction homes in Brampton at the peak of the recent real estate frenzy say they’re now struggling to close on their deals because of a perfect storm of rising interest rates, falling home

Real Estate News

Is Housing Inflation Slowing Down? Trends To Look For In 2023

Key Takeaways

  • Many factors contributed to the rapid rise in home and rent prices over the past few years.
  • Because of the long process from building to selling homes, it takes time for housing inflation
Real Estate News

Pros and cons of investing in commercial real estate

Investing in commercial real estate can be an effective way to mitigate a rising interest rate environment

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Real Estate News

2023 Property Market Predictions: What Will Happen to UK Property?

2022 was a fantastic year in terms of capital appreciation, as house prices snowballed over the course of the year.

The average house price in the UK as of October 2022 was £296,000. When compared to the average price of

Real Estate News

Celebrating Another Award Win at the YM Liverpool Awards

2022 has been a fantastic year for RWInvest and our partners, and this train of success keeps on rolling with us achieving another award at the YM Liverpool Property and Business Awards last month.

These awards celebrate the best of

Real Estate News

LEGAL UPDATE – Mandate restrictions easing in Queensland


the Public Health (Further Extension of Declared Public Health Emergency—COVID-19) Regulation (No. 2) 2022 was implemented only last week. However, the Premier has turned around on that announcement and has announced some of Queensland’s last remaining COVID-19 restrictions

Real Estate News

Edmonton real estate market slows further in November – Edmonton

Edmonton home prices fell slightly and activity slowed in November, according to the monthly report released by the Realtors Association of Edmonton.

New listings were down 22 per cent from October. Sales across all categories were down 15 per cent

Real Estate News

How Mayor Andy Street is supporting investment in Birmingham

Mayor Andy Street is a big advocate for Birmingham, and rightly so. It’s part of the job description after all. Recently, he has been very active on social media discussing the continued investment in Birmingham. We’ve taken a deeper dive

Real Estate News

Should Buyers Invest in the UK?

Outside of New York, Hong Kong is one of the most expensive places to live in the world. This has caused a lack of affordable housing in the rental market, which has seen many choose to leave Hong Kong for