A Green Party proposal to cap annual rent rises at no more than 3% would worsen a shortage in rental properties by prompting more landlords to sell-up, an association representing landlords has warned.
Peter Lewis, vice president of the Property
Choose the right property. Not all properties are created equal when it comes to renting them out. You’ll want to choose a property that is in a good location and that is well-maintained. This will help ensure that your tenants are happy and that they stay for a long time.
A Green Party proposal to cap annual rent rises at no more than 3% would worsen a shortage in rental properties by prompting more landlords to sell-up, an association representing landlords has warned.
Peter Lewis, vice president of the Property
“There is no more thorough, persistent, and I dare say even fearsome investigative body in Singapore,” said Mr Teo.
“That the Prime Minister did not hesitate to call the CPIB in to investigate two senior ministers is a signal seriously
Mr Shanmugam first rented 26 Ridout Road in 2018 and renewed his lease three years later.
Addressing the flurry of questions that have been raised over his tenancy of the state
You probably think it’s far too late to book a vacation on the coast for the week of July 4 — in other words, next week.
think again. Believe it or not, rental options remain available near the ocean or
If you’re a renter in Australia who’s recently received a rent increase notification to the effect of “Times are tough, I need to increase the rent,” let this one sink in: it’s now more likely than not that your landlord
Joanna Colettis is facing a growing empty homes tax bill that threatens her ability to keep renting out her six units, which is the very goal of the tax.
Several housing corporation executives are involved in renting out private homes for profit on the side, often charging high prices for properties, the current affairs show Nieuwsuur reported on Thursday evening.
Housing corporations focus on
With roughly half of Toronto’s population renting and that percentage growing by the day, snagging the right rental property can sometimes feel like a tailspin. To help make your search a little less hectic, here’s your go-to guide for reputable
Rental property owners can typically deduct property taxes, insurance, interest, condo fees, repairs, utilities and other related costs. A rental property can even run at a loss allowing the taxpayer to claim deductions against their other sources of income.