Ever dreamed of owning an old fashioned castle with some Irish roots … but don’t want to head all the way to Ireland? Good news — a beautiful castle nicknamed the “Irish Bayou Castle” has landed on the real estate
Landlords attack logic of Greens’ proposed 3% cap on rent rises
A Green Party proposal to cap annual rent rises at no more than 3% would worsen a shortage in rental properties by prompting more landlords to sell-up, an association representing landlords has warned.
Peter Lewis, vice president of the Property
Employees at Park Slope Barnes & Noble Vote to Unionize
Employees at the Barnes and Noble bookstore in Park Slope voted overwhelmingly in favor of unionizing last week.
Booksellers, cashiers, and baristas at the store first notified management of their intention to join the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union
Ben & Jerry’s Suggests Returning ‘Stolen Indigenous Land’ in July 4 Message
In a Fourth of July message, Ben & Jerry’s called on the United States to “commit to returning” stolen Indigenous land.
While the company sparked outrage on social media with the Independence Day Twitter post, the Vermont ice-cream maker is
Ministry officers will have to declare access to privileged information before renting govt properties: SM Teo
“There is no more thorough, persistent, and I dare say even fearsome investigative body in Singapore,” said Mr Teo.
“That the Prime Minister did not hesitate to call the CPIB in to investigate two senior ministers is a signal seriously
Understanding the Homelessness Reduction Act, 2017
What the Homelessness Reduction Act Means
Like most laws, the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 is complex. However here are the main ways in which it contributes to homelessness legislation.
Local housing authorities (which are the local council) must provide homelessness
Former Green Building Razed, Site Ready for Work on New 20-Story Apartment Building
A possibly century-old former brass foundry in Gowanus, which spanned from the canal to Bond Street and housed popular wedding venue the Green Building and restaurant Pig Beach BBQ, is no more.
A recent visit to 450 Union Street revealed
Shanmugam says he rented Ridout Road property to prepare for sale of family home, not profiting from rental
Mr Shanmugam first rented 26 Ridout Road in 2018 and renewed his lease three years later.
Addressing the flurry of questions that have been raised over his tenancy of the state
Kidnapped realtor rescued in East Godavari, four arrested
Srinivasa Rao, the realtor who was kidnapped on Wednesday in Visakhapatnam, was accused in several cases in Vijayawada and other areas, according to City Police Commissioner Thrivikrama Varma. Addressing the media, Varma said Rao, a native of Rajamahendravaram, started a
Brooklyn Listings Six Months Later: Three Sold
This week, a look back at four of our featured listings from six months ago focused on homes in Brooklyn Heights, Sunset Park, and Park Slope. How did they fare?
A one-bedroom in a notable Brooklyn Heights Queen Anne townhouse