Brooklyn Heights Brownstone With Mantels, Central Air, Waterfront Views Asks $13,999 Million
Coming onto the market for the first time in decades with an impressive asking price, this Brooklyn Heights brownstone has period details like marble mantels and plasterwork along with waterfront views and central air. Within the Brooklyn Heights Historic District, the circa 1860s to 1870s Italianate brownstone at 75 Columbia Heights is a legal two-family with a garden rental and an owner’s triplex above.
A Park Slope Brownstone With a Roof Deck and Three More to See, Starting at $820K
Our picks for open houses to check out last weekend were found in Park Slope, Kensington, and Marine Park. They range in price from $820,000 to $8,895 million.
Top 10 Brooklyn Real Estate Listings: A Bed Stuy Wood Frame, a Park Slope Brownstone
The most popular listings on Brownstoner last week included a brownstone in Gowanus, a single-family in Flatbush, and a wood frame in Fort Greene. Boerum Hill and Bed Study were popular last week, with other listings scattered around the borough. The least expensive on the list is a single-family in Flatbush at $749,000 and the most expensive is a row house in Gowanus at $5,496 million.
Park Slope Neo-Grec Four-Family Brownstone With Moldings, Mantels Asks $3.47 Million
Despite being split up into a four-family dwelling, this 1870s Park Slope brownstone retains a surfeit of detail and units that are smartly laid out to maximize space and retain some period charm. The interior of the house, located at 34 7th Avenue, includes mantels, moldings, ceiling medallions, tin ceilings, and even two bathrooms with late Victorian tiles.

Photo by Kate Glicksberg
The Insider: Cobble Hill Brownstone Reno With Custom Woodwork Leans Into Japanese Aesthetic
A unique approach to the gut renovation of a circa 1880 Brooklyn brownstone, leaning heavily on the tenets of traditional Japanese design, resulted in a home that nonetheless feels comfortably familiar. The general layout, the proportionality of the rooms, and the location of the stair, among other things, respect local row house typology. The abundance of warm woods and exposed beams and bricks are both contemporary and timeless. “The sensibility is Japanese, but the configuration is perfect for a modern family,” said Selim Vural of the Dumbo-based architecture firm Studio Vural, which masterminded the architectural design and oversaw the building out of the space.
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