Your actual charges and repayments would possibly differ and will be based mostly on your personal circumstances, the loan amount and term. Licensedarchitects charge$100 to $250 per hour or 10% to 20%of the remodeling finances to plan and create professional blueprints. Put in some DIY work such as replacing the doorways, portray the wall and cabinets, resurfacing the old flooring, or demolition work. Old properties House & Home Improvement news usually have hidden problems, similar to lead paint, asbestos, rotting wooden, or outdated plaster, which are extra labor-intensive. Contractors often end up gutting all the walls, repairing the foundation and structural damages, and changing the subflooring. The average value of renovating a 100-year-old home is$100,000 to $250,000or between$100 and $200 per square foot.
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